Let's Talk About Allergies

Functional Health Minute says,

"The GUT in particular profoundly influences the entire immune system. When gut health suffers so does the rest of your body, and the result for many people are allergy symptoms that flare up each spring."


An unhealthy gut can cause allergy symptoms???

They go on to say,

"The immune system launches an attack on these toxins, which creates inflammation throughout the body. For many people, this happens every time they eat. This inflammation manifests in different ways for different people. It can cause joint pain, skin problems, digestive complaints, autoimmune disease, issues with brain function, fatigue, chronic pain, and…seasonal allergies."

I suffer[ed] from what my allergist called, “the worst allergies” he has ever seen.

I was taking allergy shots, medication, and having to make sure my environment was safe & clean. I am highly allergic to mold, dust, and especially grass and trees. In the spring & summer it is a nightmare because my symptoms flare up with freshly mowed grass. (And we live in a neighborhood that LOVES to cut grass!) I love to walk but my grass allergy was making that extremely difficult.

Then . . . Plexus.

Yep. Plexus!

Now, Plexus does NOT cure allergies. But as quoted in the above article, our gut plays a significant role in many things, including allergies. Since taking Plexus products consistently for over 2 years now I have noticed a huge difference. HUGE! I still take Zyrtec in the morning (during spring & summer) but my allergy symptoms have decreased significantly. I can actually enjoy being outside again!

Also, my allergies would ALWAYS turn into bronchitis. I was at the doctor's office almost EVERY month getting antibiotics and such. Since Plexus, I have had bronchitis once. ONCE!!!

The longer I take Plexus the more I realize how poorly I treated my gut.

 Gut health MATTERS.