My Story

I have never been one to try gimmicky products. 
However, after years of seeing countless doctors and dealing with:

Swollen lymph nodes
Neck, shoulder, spine, and leg pain
Nerve pain
Severe allergies

(all of which caused considerable sickness, weight gain, and fatigue)

I decided to take my health into my OWN hands. Surgeries, hospital stints, and countless medications were not helping. It was only making me feel worse. In fact, I had become, for the most part, bedridden. My husband and I spent many hours on our knees in prayer asking for God's help and wisdom.

A friend of mine (who is also a pastor's wife) kept posting information about Plexus on Facebook. I didn't think much about it. Yet, after months of reading countless testimonials from Plexus customers, we decided to give it a try. This was our last ditch effort before my PCP would sign papers admitting me to Mayo Clinic.

I went from bedridden with extreme pain to riding roller coasters with my kids at our local fair in just TWO WEEKS! Unbelievable! Enjoying life with my husband and three kids . . . well, you can't put a price on that! The Lord was so kind to begin restoring my health through Plexus!!

I began using Plexus in September of 2015. Four months later I was no longer on 80% of the prescription medications I was put on. Today I am 100% off ALL medications!! I can now exercise, home-school, care for my family, serve in the church, and do LIFE once again! I have little to no pain! Praise the Lord!!

I no longer crave sugar. I have energy throughout the day and I am finally sleeping through the night! I am currently on my weight loss journey.

The Lord is GOOD & FAITHFUL.