Let's Talk About Antidepressants, Part 2

My first post on antidepressants was written on July 3. Twenty days later I am happy to report that I have been off antidepressants (completely) for over 2 weeks.

Has it been difficult?

However, the withdrawal symptoms would have been FAR worse without the help of Plexus. As mentioned in my previous post, weaning off of antidepressants has been virtually IMPOSSIBLE. I have been trying to wean off of them for years!

Back story: When a doctor initially put me on an antidepressant (for menopause - after a full hysterectomy) I was put on Lexapro. Even though my dosage was very small, I could never wean off of it. (Again you can read my previous post for information on what I experienced trying to wean off antidepressants.) Then, three years ago during my Lymphoma scare, my PCP put me on Cymbalta (to help with nerve pain) in place of Lexapro. Did I research it? No. Again, I trusted my doctor and blindly put my body on yet another medication. (Frankly, during this time I was scared and in a lot of pain. However, that should never excuse me from playing an active role in my own health!) A year later, I was on even more medication and my health was as bad as it has ever been. Then, Plexus happened.

God did a tremendous amount of healing in the past 2 years on Plexus. But I still needed to take that final step . . . Could Plexus help me get off of antidepressants?

My husband and I prayed long and hard.

And here I am . . .
14 days of taking ZERO antidepressants!

The first week was fairly easy. I had minimal withdrawal symptoms. I remained consistent with my Plexus products: TriPlex combo (Slim, ProBio, BioCleanse), XFactor Plus, and VitalBiome. (The recommended dosage for VitalBiome is 1, but I began taking 2 once I stopped taking the antidepressants.) But I could definitely tell that these 2 new products (VitalBiome and XFactor Plus) were helping in significant ways.

Then, week 2 happened. Wow! Withdrawal symptoms hit pretty hard. I often felt like a drug addict coming off of crack! Vomiting, sweats & shivers, itching, ringing in the ears, dizziness, extremely emotional - to name a few! But the withdrawal symptoms were still manageable. (No hospital/ ER visits! That is HUGE!) During week 2 I also added Plexus' Edge to my daily routine and noticed it provided significant relief.

At the end of week 2, I am doing much better. Praise the Lord!! I definitely see a HUGE ray of LIGHT and HOPE at the end of this long, dark tunnel. Hallelujah!

If I could sit myself down, 10 years ago (when antidepressants became a part of my vocabulary as I was beginning to deal with sudden onset menopause), I would encourage myself to think through the following:
  • Are there NATURAL ways to get past this hump?
    Menopause will not last forever. Adverse reactions and addiction to medication can, however, last a really long time. What natural remedies are out there? (supplements, exercise, diet, etc.) Have I exhausted all of those means?
  • Doctors are humans too.
    My body is unique and who knows it better than ME? I shouldn't blindly swallow another pill just because a doctor prescribed it. Doctors are human beings. They help and prescribe medications on limited knowledge. I am my best advocate.
  • Research!I did not research antidepressants. Even when I was switched to Cymbalta (after years of frustration in getting off of antidepressants), I still did not research. I can't speak to every medication out there, but the stuff I have read on Cymbalta, well, it is scary stuff. Scary! And yet I willingly swallowed that pill.
  • Pray! Pray! Pray!
    I believe my husband and I spent time in prayer over my health . . . but in the heat of pain or perhaps a hot flash . . . we blindly accepted whatever the doctor prescribed. Frankly, this began a spiral of medications and adverse reactions. 
Antidepressants are prescribed often and in abundance. Can antidepressants help? Absolutely. Does everyone need to be on one? No. Not at all. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! 

Please, please, please . . . exhaust all other means (natural supplements, diet, exercise, prayer, the Church, etc.) before taking an antidepressant. I have met and heard from so many individuals who loathe the day they began taking them.

God has been so very kind in using natural supplements to restore my health.
I no longer feel like a passenger on the never-ending train of medication and side effects.

Plexus does not intend to treat, diagnose or cure any disease and individual results will vary. Plexus products are health supplements made of plant-based ingredients that target health on core levels of the body. They are supplements, not drugs.

Our Plexus Family Commerical

Our family had a blast making this Plexus video!

Weight Loss JOURNEY

Weight loss.

MOST folks want to lose weight.

Some want to lose for health reasons while others fight a constant battle of being accepted and admired by the world.

Even health institutions put pressure on HEALTHY individuals to lose weight ... YEARS ago I was told by a doctor that I was "morbidly obese". Looking back I realize I was at a healthy weight (for me). But those words were very confusing (I was VERY active & healthy) and, frankly, not helpful (led to constant body shaming). Should doctors address weight? Absolutely! But only if it is a medical concern.

We must ask ourselves honest questions:

Am I overweight?
Why am I overweight?
How is my weight affecting my health?

I am overweight.

Menopause ... well, it has been hard. Then add in years of being sick and inactive. Weight crept on slowly & silently.

When I initially started looking into Plexus I was hoping to get healthy. I was seeing doctor after doctor and was literally in the PIT of DESPAIR with my health. By God's faithfulness and kindness, He used Plexus (all natural supplements) to bring healing from the inside out!

Am I still overweight?

Yes. Does that mean Plexus does not work? Absolutely not. I have lost weight (and continue to do so) slowly. It is harder for me to lose weight (I blame post menopause) but frankly my HEALTH matters way more than numbers on a scale. So, I would rather ask myself ...

Am I more active?
Am I healthier?
Am I fueling & caring for my body in healthier, God-honoring ways?


Can Plexus help you lose weight? Yes! There are thousands of testimonials of folks losing tons of weight on Plexus!

Is every Plexus journey the same? The answer: Are all our bodies the same? (Like mine, your body may need a lot of TLC and repair first.)

I have had many folks try Plexus (for weight loss AND poor health), but most gave up when they didn't see immediate results.

Honest questions.
Realistic expectations.
CONSISTENCY with the products.
Water (God's natural means) to flush toxins.

FUNDAMENTAL when using Plexus!


What is Plexus?

Plexus is a health and wellness company that I represent. It has natural products that assist with balancing blood sugar levels, reducing inflammation and promoting gut health. When this happens people experience tremendous health benefits such as increased energy, better sleep, weight loss and even relief from pain they've been suffering with for years! With everything that is added to foods these days it is reassuring to know I can have confidence putting this stuff in my body. That is really important to me! 
Plexus products are a system of products that work well together supporting different body systems; your endocrine system and your digestive system to name a couple. Since our body systems are so intricately connected, when we struggle with one, it often affects us in other areas of health as well. Plexus is proving itself by helping many end that struggle and find balance in their over all health.  

Plexus Slim was co-developed by two scientists whose desire was to create a plant-based consumable product for diabetics in hopes of reducing their need for diabetic medication/insulin. When a person receives a diagnosis as being diabetic or pre-diabetic, they are advised by their medical practitioner to go on a plant-based diet to best manage diabetes. This is very difficult for most people to do. So, they came up with a formula and developed it into a two-year human clinical trial. In the clinical trial, they found that the diabetics were reporting back that they had better daytime energy, they were sleeping better at night, their blood sugars balanced out to normal in that they were no longer needing their medication, they had a reduced appetite, lost their desire for sugar, they no longer needed their cholesterol or blood pressure medication AND as a side effect – they were losing weight.

Plexus Worldwide was approached by these two scientists and asked them to market this product as a weight loss product in 2009. The product was being sold primarily in the south. In the south they have some of the worst obesity numbers in the country. So while people were losing weight, they still had many people who had a lot of weight to lose. In 2011 the co-developers developed a plant based “Accelerator” product to go in conjunction with the Slim drink that would aid in fat loss quicker. Since that time testimonies continue to come out of the woodwork from people who are getting relief from a wider variety of illnesses than anticipated. While the company does not advertise these as issues that are being resolved, testimonies are daily being reported for relief from illnesses such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, Migraines, Hormonal imbalances, Infertility, Thyroid disease, Gout, Acne and so much more.

Plexus works by first filtering through the liver and breaking down sugar BEFORE it gets to the pancreas. When the pancreas isn’t overworked, the body releases bad fat it has been holding on to. Most diets/exercise regimens “FORCE” fat off the body. But when the exercise or the diet ceases, the weight comes back. When the body releases bad fat naturally, in an un-forced fashion it does not come back. Because of our modern North American diet with highly processed foods and our obsession with sugar consumption, our pancreas does not function well – thus the 65 million obese people statistic and the 25.8 million adults and children who have diabetes, with 1.9 million new cases a year. This is alarming!

When our bodies are out of balance, it leads to a whole slew of illnesses like a domino effect. Plexus goes in and stabilizes what is wrong in the body and makes it right with weight loss being a side effect.


Water intake is key! It is HIGHLY recommended to drink half of your body weight in ounces per day to maximize results. Drinking water helps flush out toxins and fatty cells that Plexus is helping us to get rid of.

For example, if you weigh 100 lbs, drink 50 oz. per day.

Healthy eating & exercise are encouraged to maximize the benefits of the Plexus products. Inches lost are a more accurate measurement of progress rather than the scale. Plexus Slim burns fat and NOT muscle!

Plexus is also compatible with vegetarian diets, pregnant and nursing mothers' diets, and are gluten free! Their products are natural, plant-based, caffeine free, non GMO, contain no artificial sweeteners/dyes/flavors, Vegetarian, and many of their products are vegan. Several doctors back and encourage the use of Plexus products.

*However, if you have any medical conditions you are concerned about, please check with your doctor just to be on the safe side and ask your friend who invited you to this event as well! 


My FAVORITE benefit!!  

Plexus comes with a 60 day money back guarantee because we shouldn’t expect weight loss results before then. If there is, it is a pleasant surprise. But for many, it may take the full 60 days for the body to balance itself out. The abnormalities within the body didn’t happen overnight and, for most, it will not come off overnight. Please be aware that most people lose inches before they lose pounds. So be sure to take measurements. But what you will notice immediately is that you feel fantastic and you cannot put a price on feeling fantastic while the Plexus is balancing out your body to get to optimal health. 


*Plexus does not intend to treat, diagnose or cure any disease and individual results will vary. Plexus products are health supplements made of plant-based ingredients that target health on core levels of the body. They are supplements, not drugs.

My Story

I have never been one to try gimmicky products. 
However, after years of seeing countless doctors and dealing with:

Swollen lymph nodes
Neck, shoulder, spine, and leg pain
Nerve pain
Severe allergies

(all of which caused considerable sickness, weight gain, and fatigue)

I decided to take my health into my OWN hands. Surgeries, hospital stints, and countless medications were not helping. It was only making me feel worse. In fact, I had become, for the most part, bedridden. My husband and I spent many hours on our knees in prayer asking for God's help and wisdom.

A friend of mine (who is also a pastor's wife) kept posting information about Plexus on Facebook. I didn't think much about it. Yet, after months of reading countless testimonials from Plexus customers, we decided to give it a try. This was our last ditch effort before my PCP would sign papers admitting me to Mayo Clinic.

I went from bedridden with extreme pain to riding roller coasters with my kids at our local fair in just TWO WEEKS! Unbelievable! Enjoying life with my husband and three kids . . . well, you can't put a price on that! The Lord was so kind to begin restoring my health through Plexus!!

I began using Plexus in September of 2015. Four months later I was no longer on 80% of the prescription medications I was put on. Today I am 100% off ALL medications!! I can now exercise, home-school, care for my family, serve in the church, and do LIFE once again! I have little to no pain! Praise the Lord!!

I no longer crave sugar. I have energy throughout the day and I am finally sleeping through the night! I am currently on my weight loss journey.

The Lord is GOOD & FAITHFUL.

Let's Talk About Antidepressants

HUGE industry.
MASSIVE side effects.
UNBELIEVABLE withdrawal symptoms.
VERY controversial.

I take/took an antidepressant.

Back in 2007, I had to have a full hysterectomy. Afterwards, I was put on estrogen but I developed 3 blood clots so I was taken off hormones. Shortly after, I hit FULL BLOWN menopause. Oh. My. Word!

We had just moved and were in the process of looking for a family practitioner. I visited with one, explained my frustration with menopause symptoms: HOT flashes, migraines, insomnia, etc. He casually suggested putting me on a mild antidepressant to treat the symptoms. I knew NOTHING about antidepressants and thought it was worth a try.

To this day I REGRET that decision.

The antidepressants helped, however, I have tried COUNTLESS times to wean myself off and it has been frustratingly difficult. Seriously unbelievable.

I had NO idea what I was signing up for when I began taking antidepressants. (Shame on me!) I am in NO WAY saying they are wrong to take, I just wish I had been better educated when I decided to "give it a try". I am still shocked that this doctor was so casual and a matter of fact about prescribing it.

For me, weaning off this medication has been a nightmare. (I have even been hospitalized over it!) I get crazy dizzy, have slurred speech & migraines, I can HEAR my eye lashes close & shut, and I get extremely depressed.

But then . . . Plexus.

I know. Go ahead. Roll your eyes.
Again with the Plexus?!

Plexus just came out with a new product called VitalBiome. I have been taking it for about/over a month now and I am HAPPY to report that I have been able to CUT my antidepressant dosage in HALF! PRAISE THE LORD!!! I can't tell you how many prayers have been offered up in regards to getting OFF this drug!

Yet another reason I LOVE Plexus!

Vitalbiome has not cured me, nor is it an answer for antidepressants. But the Lord has used it (along with other products, diet, and exercise) to bring healing to my body. Oh how my body has needed this healing! Years of prescription medications & sickness.

Thank you, Lord, for helping me find all natural alternatives to bring healing, health, and time with my family.

Let's Talk About Sleep Aids

There are many drugs (prescription and OTC) available to treat insomnia. Though they do have legitimate uses, sleep aids also come with significant risks and side effects, which many people don’t realize.

I took sleep aids.

During & after menopause I had a terrible time falling asleep. 

We NEED sleep. I NEED sleep. My family NEEDS me to sleep. But what if you can’t?! It is a frustrating cycle.

I found this on EveryDayHealth.com:

When you take prescription sleeping pills over a long period of time, your body grows accustomed to the drug, and you need higher and higher doses to get the same sleep-inducing effect. But, if you take a high enough dose, this could lead to [dangerous side effects].” 

Who has experienced that? Me! The dosage that use to put you to sleep like a baby has zero effect on you now. But guess what?!


Ah-ha! Again with the Plexus!!

Plexus is not a cure for insomnia but what I CAN say is that I no longer take sleep aids. PRAISE THE LORD!! Yet another medication I HATED taking.

The healthier my body gets (from the inside out), the more it begins to function PROPERLY. I cannot share enough on how much my health has changed since beginning Plexus. It has been an answer to many prayers.

I am still on my journey . . . through consistency with the products, water, diet, and exercise, I am enjoying so many wonderful health benefits. My weight-loss journey has been longer than most folks, but my inside health journey has been super awesome! Wow! God has been so kind!!

My Plexus Story (Video)

Do you suffer with chronic pain?
Listen to my Plexus story.

Let's Talk About Allergies

Functional Health Minute says,

"The GUT in particular profoundly influences the entire immune system. When gut health suffers so does the rest of your body, and the result for many people are allergy symptoms that flare up each spring."


An unhealthy gut can cause allergy symptoms???

They go on to say,

"The immune system launches an attack on these toxins, which creates inflammation throughout the body. For many people, this happens every time they eat. This inflammation manifests in different ways for different people. It can cause joint pain, skin problems, digestive complaints, autoimmune disease, issues with brain function, fatigue, chronic pain, and…seasonal allergies."

I suffer[ed] from what my allergist called, “the worst allergies” he has ever seen.

I was taking allergy shots, medication, and having to make sure my environment was safe & clean. I am highly allergic to mold, dust, and especially grass and trees. In the spring & summer it is a nightmare because my symptoms flare up with freshly mowed grass. (And we live in a neighborhood that LOVES to cut grass!) I love to walk but my grass allergy was making that extremely difficult.

Then . . . Plexus.

Yep. Plexus!

Now, Plexus does NOT cure allergies. But as quoted in the above article, our gut plays a significant role in many things, including allergies. Since taking Plexus products consistently for over 2 years now I have noticed a huge difference. HUGE! I still take Zyrtec in the morning (during spring & summer) but my allergy symptoms have decreased significantly. I can actually enjoy being outside again!

Also, my allergies would ALWAYS turn into bronchitis. I was at the doctor's office almost EVERY month getting antibiotics and such. Since Plexus, I have had bronchitis once. ONCE!!!

The longer I take Plexus the more I realize how poorly I treated my gut.

 Gut health MATTERS.

Gut Health MATTERS!

Have you ever wondered why Plexus products 
seem to help with so many different health concerns? 

Eva Schmidt gives a great explanation:
It’s because inflammation, blood sugar instability and gut health are the ROOT cause of so many health issues. Instead of addressing the root problem, most of the time we end up treating symptoms with prescriptions, which have their OWN side effects, thus creating MORE issues to deal with.

Here’s a better explanation from Jennifer George Pickett, a Dietitian who believes in Plexus. She has a Master’s degree and almost 17 years of health care experience and below she shares her opinion on what makes Plexus different… I wholeheartedly agree!
She writes… “In my opinion, what makes Plexus different is that these products address the root of the problem. After working with many clients and team members, I have seen the most common root problems are blood sugar instability, poor gut health and inflammation. Until root problems are addressed, it is hard to see health results.
* Plexus Slim addresses blood sugar instability and inflammation
* Fast Relief also addresses inflammation
* ProBio5 and BioCleanse addresses poor gut health”

Ever taken an antibiotic? Ever craved sugar and carbs? Then you need to know about candida or "leaky gut" syndrome. Why? See the list of things linked to candida over growth (see Candida Yeast post). Stop staying sick! Probio 5 and BioCleanse. Add Block and slow the absorption of starches and sugars for healthy glucose levels. If you can't do anything else for your health, start here. 
Some Autoimmune disorders are:  headaches, constipation, spastic colon,allergies, thrush, high blood pressure, mitral valve prolapse, endometriosis, skin rashes, fibromyalgia, leg cramps, restless leg syndrome, acne, anxiety, depression, vertigo or dizziness, fatigue, learning disorders, light-headedness, lack of concentration, numbness or tingling, coated tongue, itchy ears, alcoholism, high cholesterol, sugar and carb cravings, weight gain or loss, Alzheimer's, anorexia, bulimia, arthritis, cancer, crohn's, diabetes, glaucoma, lou Gehrig's, MS, lupus, bi-polar, RA…these are just a few and are all linked to candida over growth.

*Plexus does not intend to treat, diagnose or cure any disease and individual results will vary. Plexus products are health supplements made of plant-based ingredients that target health on core levels of the body. They are supplements, not drugs. 

How Do I Order?

There are 3 ways to order:

Pay the highest price for Plexus products. However, you have no further obligation and nothing to cancel. 60 day money back guarantee.
Purchase Plexus products at a discount. This is a recurring purchase that will be sent out to you automatically each month but can be cancelled after the first 15 days with NO penalty. After three months, you will get a further 10% discount. 60 day money back guarantee.
  • Associate - $34.95 annual membership. As an associate you can order what you want /when you want at the wholesale/lowest price. There are no requirements other than the annual fee. There is no selling or commissions as an associate. You can cancel at any time. Monthly auto-ship. 60 day money back guarantee.
  • Ambassador - $34.95 annual membership. As an ambassador you can order what you want /when you want at the wholesale/lowest price. If you want to become an ambassador (receive commissions) then you simply turn on your "convenience order" (conditional or non-conditional) and you are only required to sell $100.00 personal volume of product per month–from your own orders or customer orders. You can cancel at any time. Monthly auto-ship. 60 day money back guarantee.

When I began using Plexus, I ordered as "preferred". 
By doing this, I received a significant discount and
I could cancel my "auto-ship" at ANY time with NO penalties!
Win, win!!

Once you decide HOW you want to order,
visit my website to PLACE your order:

*Plexus does not intend to treat, diagnose or cure any disease and individual results will vary. Plexus products are health supplements made of plant-based ingredients that target health on core levels of the body. They are supplements, not drugs.

Plexus Slim

Plexus Slim® is the delicious, power-packed health drink your body has been waiting for. Slim features a premium microbiome activating formula that contains ingredients clinically-demonstrated to improve gut health and promote weight loss. Feed your gut with beneficial prebiotics, support a healthy glucose metabolism, and lose weight – with one great-tasting pink drink.
  • Clinically demonstrated to help you lose weight*
  • Promotes the growth of good gut microbes◊*
  • Increases Lactobacillus by 365 times and Bifidobacterium by 290 times- contributes to overall health◊*
  • Increases the metabolism enhancing Akkermansia microbes by 250 times◊*
  • Supports healthy glucose metabolism*
  • Clinically studied XOS prebiotic
  • Patent pending formula
  • Delicious raspberry, lemon, watermelon flavor
  • 5 Calories
  • No artificial sweeteners, flavors or colors
  • 30 single serve packets for on-the-go convenience
  • Gluten Free
  • 100% Vegetarian
  • Non-GMO

What is Plexus Slim®? Plexus Slim is the delicious way to promote overall health and lose weight. Slim supports healthy glucose metabolism and helps good microbes thrive which keeps your gut microbiome healthy.*

When is the best time to drink Plexus Slim®? If you want to lose weight, drink Slim 30 minutes before a meal. If you want to support your gut microbiome, enjoy Slim at any time of the day! Simply pour one packet of Slim into a glass of water or water bottle, mix, and enjoy!

How many Plexus Slims can I drink per day? You can enjoy Slim up to two times a day.

How much water should I use with Plexus Slim? Each packet of Slim can be mixed into 12-20 ounces of water.

Should Slim be added to hot or cold water? Slim is meant to be a refreshing drink, and its best added to cold water. We don’t recommend adding Slim to hot water, as hot water could affect the stability of Slim’s green coffee extract, making it less effective.

Can you tell me about the new study that was done on Plexus Slim? We wanted to see what Slim can really do, so we put it through rigorous, testing procedures. In a highly advanced, in vitro study created to mimic the human gastrointestinal system, Slim’s powerful microbiome activating formula was tested, which produced astounding results. *
Here’s what the scientists found:
  • Increases friendly microbes called Akkermansia– a remarkable microbe, which positively impacts disrupted metabolism associated with being overweight by 250 times. *
  • Increases Lactobacillus by 365 times and Bifidobacterium by 290 times- microbes that contribute to your overall health.*
  • Increases Butyrate by up to 58% and Propionate by up to 29%- Short-chain fatty acids that help regulate your metabolism. *
What is the prebiotic in Plexus Slim and how is it beneficial to me? Xylooligosaccharides (XOS), Slim’s incredible prebiotic, is a fiber that friendly microbes love to eat. XOS has been clinically shown to improve intestinal microflora for enhanced health and well-being. In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study conducted by researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), daily doses of XOS (as low as 1 gram) were found to significantly improve gut microbiota balance, promoting growth of more species of good gut microbes, while reducing bad microbes, thereby, promoting intestinal health.*

What is a prebiotic? How does it work? Your gut is full of microbes. Some of them are good; some of them are bad. Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that make their way through our digestive system and help good microbes grow and flourish. Prebiotics are non-absorbable fibers like fructo-, xylo- and oligo-saccharides, and inulin, which can be found naturally occurring in whole grains, chicory root, onions, leeks, fruits and legumes. Prebiotics act as a fertilizer, selectively feeding good microbes in the gut and assisting in their growth. This leads to benefits for your overall well-being and health. Nearly everyone needs prebiotics to experience optimal health, particularly those who don’t get enough from their diet.*

Have we enhanced the high quality of ingredients in Plexus Slim? Absolutely. The ingredients in the new Slim were specifically qualified by our in-house Quality Assurance department using world-class quality standards. Each material is rigorously tested for purity and potency by Plexus Worldwide® before ever being selected for use. The difference in this hands-on approach and dedication to ingredient quality ensures that you can feel confident in the purity and potency of Slim’s quality ingredients.

Do I need to keep taking Plexus Slim to keep the microbiome benefits? If you stop drinking Plexus Slim every day, the improvements in your gut can start to disappear in as little as a week. So it’s best to take Slim every day.

Will I experience any side effects when I start drinking Plexus Slim? Experiencing side effects of prebiotic supplementation in Slim is very unusual. However, in certain people, supplementing with prebiotics could cause temporary gas and bloating. One way to avoid this is to begin by taking only a small amount of prebiotic (e.g., a half pack of Slim) and then gradually increasing your intake over 1 to 3 weeks. Your gut microbes should adapt to prebiotic supplementation over time, which will help relieve any discomfort.*

Is there a clinical study on Plexus Slim for weight loss? Yes! Plexus Slim has been scientifically demonstrated to promote weight loss. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study of 175 subjects, Slim helped study participants lose weight.1*

What is the difference between the original Slim and the new Slim? As much as we loved the original Slim, we love the new Slim even more. We have developed a new world-class standard for ingredient and supplier qualification that ensures that the new Slim ingredients are better than ever!  We’ve also added a unique and powerful prebiotic, so your gut will be healthier while still enjoying those great weight loss benefits. Also, it has a new, delicious flavor we can’t get enough of (raspberry, lemon, watermelon for the win!). It’s more soluble, so it dissolves more easily in your water bottle (you can enjoy it sooner). Gut health, weight loss, and great taste—what more could you want?*

Why does the new Slim stick feel lighter? Is there less good stuff in Slim? We have formulated Slim to be even more potent and efficacious than ever. Each ingredient was carefully designed to be the most concentrated and efficacious form possible with minimal fillers and other ingredients that you don’t want or need. We are still delivering the same great levels of our bioactives, but with even fewer calories than before. Slim now has only 5 calories, not 10!

If I’m not trying to lose weight, will I still benefit from taking Plexus Slim? Absolutely! Plexus Slim is a delicious health drink with amazing microbiome benefits. Even if you are not looking to lose weight, Slim delivers prebiotics that promotes the growth of good gut microbes and supports a healthy glucose metabolism. You are drinking your way to a healthier and happier gut!*

Is Plexus Slim safe? Yes, Plexus Slim is safe to drink.

Is it safe to drink Plexus Slim while pregnant or breastfeeding? If pregnant or nursing, consult your physician prior to use.

Can Slim be used by children under the age of 18? Slim is not recommended for use by children under 18.

What flavor is the Plexus Slim? Plexus Slim is a delicious raspberry, lemon, watermelon flavor.

Does Plexus Slim contain any allergens (Dairy, Egg, Peanut, Soy, Shellfish, Tree-Nut, and Wheat)? No.

Is Plexus Slim Gluten free, 100% vegetarian, and Non-GMO? Yes.

Is there caffeine or any other stimulants in Plexus Slim? The Chlorogenic acid in Slim is extracted from green coffee bean, and it contains less than 2% natural caffeine, which is negligible.

Can I take Plexus Slim with other Plexus products? Absolutely! Slim is a great addition to any Plexus regimen. We highly recommend using it with ProBio 5 and Bio Cleanse in our TriPlex combo. The effects of this combination are very beneficial to your overall health, and helps you lose weight.*

Is Akkermansia in the new Slim or already in your gut? Akkermansia is a beneficial bacterium that is already present in your gut. Plexus Slim’s new formula with XOS helps feed good microbes and has been shown to increase Akkermansia levels by up to 250 times.

Is the mulberry extract mixed with the raspberry, lemon, and watermelon to create the flavor profile? While mulberry extract is not part of the flavor profile, it is in both the original and new Slim. Mulberry extract is considered a superfood and is a potent antioxidant.

What are the natural flavors in Plexus Slim? The natural flavors in Plexus Slim are raspberry, lemon, and watermelon.

If I’m allergic to raspberry, lemon, and watermelon can I still drink Plexus Slim? Plexus uses flavors that are extracted from actual fruit. Typically, the proteins that could cause an allergic reaction would be removed during extraction. The possibility of an allergic reaction is very small; however, we recommend that if you have an allergy to any of these fruits, please consult your physician prior to use.

What is the fruit and vegetable concentrate for color in Plexus Slim? The fruit and vegetable concentrate in Plexus Slim for color is the following-
  • Beetroot extract (Beta vulgaris)
  • Sweet potato concentrate (Ipomoea batatas L.)
  • Radish concentrate (Raphanus sativus)
  • Cherry concentrate (Prunus avium)
  • Apple concentrate (Malus domestica)
What is the exact source with the XOS in Plexus Slim? The XOS in Plexus Slim is derived from Non-GMO corn.

Is there a corn derived ingredient in Plexus Slim? XOS is derived from Non-GMO corn. If you’re allergic to corn please consult your physician prior to use.

What are the clinical studies done on the XOS in Plexus Slim®?
  1. Childs CE, Röytiö H, Alhoniemi E, et al. Xylo-oligosaccharides alone or in synbiotic combination with Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis induce bifidogenesis and modulate markers of immune function in healthy adults: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised, factorial cross-over study. Br J Nutr. 2014 Jun 14;111(11):1945-56.
  2. Yang J, Summanen PH, Henning SM, et al. Xylooligosaccharide supplementation alters gut bacteria in both healthy and prediabetic adults: a pilot study. Front Physiol. 2015 Aug 7;6:216.
  3. Kobayashi T, Okazaki M, Fujikawa S, et al. Effect of xylooligosaccharides on feces of men. Agronomic Sci Soc Japan. 1991;65:1651-1653.
  4. Chung YC, Hsu CK, Ko CY, et al. Dietary intake of xylooligosaccharides improves the intestinal microbiota, fecal moisture, and pH value in the elderly. Nutr Res. 2007;27:756
  5. Xu HJ, He SL, Wang XJ. Effect of xylooligosaccharides in the gut dysfunctions caused by chronic hepatitis. Chin J Integr Trad West Dig. 2004;12:365-366. (In Chinese)
  6. Beijing Institute of Nutrients. Study report on the effects of xylooligosaccharides on the regulation of the intestinal function and glycemic response. December, 2013. (In Chinese, unpublished)
  7. Na MH, Kim WK. Effects of xylooligosaccharides intake on fecal bifidobacteria, lactic acid and lipid metabolism in Korean young women. Korean J Nutr. 2007;40:154-161. (In Korean)
1Participants in an independent, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, human clinical study, who used one pack of Slim twice a day lost an average of 5.45 pounds in 8 weeks, while the placebo group lost an average of 3.12 pounds. There was a trend to weight decrease with Slim group (p=0.059)

Plexus does not intend to treat, diagnose or cure any disease and individual results will vary. Plexus products are health supplements made of plant-based ingredients that target health on core levels of the body. They are supplements, not drugs.

All About Candida Yeast

Candida is a fungus, which is a form of yeast, and a very small amount of it lives in your mouth and intestines. Its main job? Helping out with digestion and nutrient absorption. But when overproduced, candida can break down the wall of the intestine and penetrate the bloodstream — releasing toxic by-products into your body and causing leaky gut. This can lead to many different health problems, from digestive issues to depression.

Some call it an invisible epidemic. When Candida albicans, a family of yeast-like fungi that lives in our digestive tracts, multiplies out of control, it causes mysterious symptoms and serious health woes for women, men and children. Is it breeding in you?

  • Skin problems: hives, scaling, athlete’s foot, jock itch, diaper rash, psoriasis, fungal nail infections
  • Muscular and nervous problems: aches or swelling in muscles or joints, numbness, tingling, burning, weakness, paralysis
  • Itchy ears and nose; increased sensitivity to smells and chemical additives
  • Migraine headaches, brain fog or inability to concentrate
  • Gastrointestinal problems: constipation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, bloating, heartburn
  • Oral thrush, sore or itchy throat
  • Problems involving reproductive organs: PMS, urinary tract and vaginal infections, prostatitis, impotence
  • Respiratory problems, congestion, fevers -Depression, low-mood, fatigue or lethargy -Anxiety, recurring irritability
  • Slows down weight loss process making it sometimes impossible to lose weight.

Many candida specialists depend on questionnaires, such as the one below, to help patients identify symptoms that are potentially yeast-related. The following questionnaire is excerpted from The Yeast Connection, by William G. Crook, MD. If you answer YES to at least 2 of these, you more than likely have Candida overgrowth.  A more detailed questionnaire can be found at http://www.yeastconnection.com/yeast.html.
  • Have you taken repeated or prolonged courses of antibacterial drugs?
  • Have you been bothered by recurrent vaginal, prostate or urinary tract infections?
  • Do you feel "sick all over," yet the cause hasn't been found?
  • Are you bothered by hormone disturbances, including PMS, menstrual irregularities, sexual dysfunction, sugar craving, low body temperature or fatigue?
  • Are you unusually sensitive to tobacco smoke, perfumes, colognes and other chemical odors?
  • Are you bothered by memory or concentration problems? Do you sometimes feel "spaced out"?
  • Have you taken prolonged courses of prednisone or other steroids; or have you taken "the pill" for more than 3 years?
  • Do some foods disagree with you or trigger your symptoms?
  • Do you suffer with constipation, diarrhea, bloating or abdominal pain?
  • Does your skin itch, tingle or burn; or is it unusually dry; or are you bothered by rashes?
  • Do you crave sugar, breads or alcoholic beverages?

Candida, the excessive yeast growth, occurs when Candida albicans, yeast, live in your digestive system. Yeast is like sugar, and with an overgrowth of this yeast, there are a variety of ways it can make weight loss ineffective.

How does this happen? Due to the growth of yeast, it becomes invasive, and creates holes in the intestinal wall. According to both doctors and natural therapists, invasive yeast release toxins in the blood through these holes, causing allergic reactions and inflammation in your organs and tissues. 
This can also affect to your thyroid causing inflammation which can make your metabolic rate slow down and lower your body's ability to burn fat, making weight loss become more difficult. This impacts your body inflammatory reaction of retained excess liquid, causing fluid retention that can lead to fat and weight gain. 
In addition, yeast overgrowth promotes intestinal flatulence and bloating, which can increase your waistline inches, even if you are a low-calorie diet. A by-product of some yeast overgrowth can also block hormone receptors, affecting the normal operation of their ability to assist with weight loss.
Your immune response of waste products from the yeast in your intestinal tract through the holes, release your immune system into action to ban toxins. One of the reactions is the release of cortisol. This triggers the fight-or-flight syndrome, your body’s way of hanging on to your stored fat to protect itself, which will obviously make weight loss difficult. 
In regards to the hypoglycemia toxic byproducts of yeast overgrowth, it was found that these by-products, tartaric acid, may inhibit the body's ability to correctly extract energy from food (and absorb nutrients), and provide adequate glycemic. The result may be hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, which leads to feelings of weakness and brain fog. People who have low blood sugar may eat sweets as a quick way to improve these uncomfortable symptoms, which then continues to the yeast overgrowth cycle and weight gain.

To understand why getting rid of candida can be so much harder than knocking out a bacterial infection; you need to know how candida yeast overgrowth manifests in your body.

About 80% of the time, candida overgrowth occurs when antibiotics kill the friendly bacteria in the intestinal tract. Divided up about equally, are cases of candida overgrowth caused by candida spores being breathed in, transmitted orally through food sharing, kissing, or similar activities, and as babies picking it up from their mothers. Overgrowth cannot occur when the immune system is strong and the friendly flora (said to comprise 70% of the immune system response) are plentiful.

When much of your friendly flora has been destroyed, and your immune system has weakened, the oxygen-loving candida yeast begins to flourish, morphing into anaerobic candida fungi. No longer needing an oxygen-rich blood supply, the fungi are able to exist anywhere in the body.

Initially, these fungi are primarily in the intestinal tract. There, the toxic waste they chemically produce (acetylaldahyde, the same chemical that causes a hangover), irritate and weaken the intestinal wall. Candida fungi have tiny "legs" which, as the intestinal wall becomes damaged, are able to "drill" holes in the intestinal wall, leading to poor digestion and "leaky gut syndrome".

These holes enable candida to travel throughout the body, over time establishing themselves systemically. The leaky gut also allows partially digested food to enter the bloodstream. This food is not able to be used by your cells, and your immune system must get rid of that food. Over time, people develop food allergies, a sure sign of candida overgrowth.

Candida yeast loves sugar, excreting chemicals that cause you to crave sugars and all types of carbohydrates. Of course, as the yeast digests the food sugars before your body can use them; your cravings may be caused by low blood sugar levels.

During the nighttime, when you are fasting, the candida has plenty of time to be consuming your blood sugar. To compensate for this lack of sugar, your adrenals have to work extra hard, eventually leading to adrenal fatigue. (The acetylaldahyde also causes fatigue.) The thyroid gland is linked with the adrenal glands. As the adrenal glands wear down, the thyroid gland also starts to perform poorly, leading to decreased temperature regulation and low metabolism.

About 70% of all candida overgrowth occurs in women (if we consider the population of people over 15 years of age). As both men and women are equally exposed to antibiotics, this increase lies somewhat with the use of birth control pills, and primarily with candida's fondness for progesterone.

Candida likes to eat progesterone. So what does it do?

Candida blocks estrogen receptors so that estrogen can't lock into them, further disrupting the endocrine hormone by binding to estrogen, preventing it from being used properly by the body. Why does candida do this? Because estrogen and progesterone "teeter-totter" -- low estrogen levels cause high progesterone levels. So by creating low estrogen levels in your body, candida causes progesterone levels to be elevated, providing more and more fuel for itself.

Women often have flare-ups coinciding with their period - a time when progesterone levels are higher. By the way, there are two types of estrogen -- alpha estrogen produced by the female organs, and beta estrogen produced by the adrenal glands. Both men and women need and produce beta estrogen and not only are these estrogens inhibited by candida, but the adrenal fatigue caused by the candida overgrowth will result in even lower beta estrogen production.

So male hormones will suffer too, with low beta estrogen and low testosterone. These imbalances need to be corrected, but as men naturally produce much less progesterone than women, they do not supply such a readily available food source for the candida. Thus, out- of-control candida overgrowth affects many more women than men.

There are lots of good candida killers: Anti-fungal drugs like Nystatin and Diflucan, herbs like Pau D'Arco, Olive Leaf Extract, Oregano Extract, Grapefruit Seed Extract, coconut-based aplitic acid. These all do an excellent job of killing candida.

So why is candida so hard to get rid of?

Candida fungi can mutate to become immune to both anti-fungal herbs as well as anti-fungal drugs. The more complex the anti-fungal herb or drug is the easier Candida can mutate, rendering them no longer effective. Initially, the drug may kill a good portion of the candida, but this leaves an empty space which candida likes to rapidly refill.

But something else happens too - actually, two things.

Every time anti-fungal herbs are taken, the yeast will go dormant to survive, burrowing deeply into the tissues where the drugs or herbs can’t reach -- remember, they don't need an oxygen supply in which to live. They can also go dormant and "hide" to avoid an activated immune system response.

So, initially, after taking high doses of nystatin or herbs, it may seem as though your candida infection is gone -- when, in reality, it is not. Even the blood can appear free of Candida, as it lies wait in the tissues, sometimes even forming dense masses, which can’t easily be penetrated.

Secondly, when you attack candida, it is stimulated to release spores. The production of spores is how fungi and mold reproduce. Candida tend to fight back when they are being attacked, assuring their survival by releasing spores, which can lodge anywhere in body, awaiting just the right conditions to reactivate. They remain "dormant" so long as they sense the immune cells trying to attack. As spores, they tend to attract only a minor response from the immune system, dragging out the condition for years.

The typical scenario: You go on a strict candida diet and take lots of probiotics, boosting the immune system and noticing symptoms clearing up (though still plagued with food allergies.) Eventually, you stop taking your anti-candida supplements or drugs, go off the diet, and boom, in a relatively short while, the condition has returned.


Brussels sprouts
Garlic (raw)
Non-starchy vegetables starve the Candida of the sugar and mold diet that feed it. You should buy your vegetables fresh and eat them raw, steamed or grilled.
Avoid starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, corn, all winter squash, beets, peas, parsnips and beans. Olives are OK as long as they are not in distilled white vinegar.
Live yogurt cultures help your gut to repopulate with good bacteria. The live bacteria in the yogurt will crowd out the Candida yeast and restore balance to your system. This is especially useful after a course of antibiotics.
Eat only fresh and organic meat - processed meat (like lunch meat, bacon and spam) is loaded with dextrose, nitrates, sulfates and sugars.
Smoked or vacuum packed meats are also best avoided.
FISH Anchovies
Wild salmon
Wild salmon and sardines do contain ocean contaminants, but in much lower amounts than other seafood. Buy these fish fresh or packed in olive oil or water.
Coconut meat
Flax Seed
Sunflower Seeds
These nuts are healthy and have a low mold content. If you're still worried about mold, soak them in a diluted grapefruit seed extract solution for a few hours.
Oat Bran
These grains contain a high amount of fiber, excellent for keeping your digestive system moving and eliminating Candida toxins. Most products derived from this list are also OK - e.g. quinoa crackers, buckwheat flour. You can find these in the gluten-free section in health food stores.
Black Pepper
Many herbs and spices have antioxidant and antifungal properties. They can also improve circulation and reduce inflammation. They're great for livening up food if you're on a limited Candida diet.
OILS Virgin Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Sesame Oil
Flax Oil
Coconut Oil
Red Palm Oil
Use cold pressed oils where possible. Remember that heating or boiling can destroy many of the oil's nutrients.
SEASONING Black Pepper
Sea Salt
Lemon Juice
Coconut Aminos
Apple Cider Vinegar (Organic, Raw, Unfiltered)
Coconut Aminos are a great alternative to soy sauce. And you can use apple cider vinegar to make some delicious salad dressings.
BEVERAGES Chicory root coffee
Cinnamon Tea
Peppermint Tea
Ginger Tea
Licorice Tea
These are just a few of the herbal teas that have antifungal properties.
Chicory root is also a great prebiotic (it contains 20% Inulin), so it can help to repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria too.
Stevia and xylitol can be used in place of sugar and they have a much smaller effect on your blood sugar levels


Rice Syrup
Artificial Sweeteners
Condiments tend to be high in sugar and can exacerbate your Candida. Stay away from the soft drinks too. Always read food labels to make sure your food doesn't contain sugar. Be careful - the aspartame in diet cola weakens your immune system can leave you vulnerable to Candida.
Alcohol is high in sugars that can feed a Candida overgrowth. It also puts stress on your immune system.
GRAINS & GLUTINOUS FOODS Anything made with wheat, rye, oats or barley, e.g. white bread, rye bread, pasta.
Spelt products
Corn and corn byproducts
Many Candida sufferers have a high sensitivity to Gluten. Give your immune system a break and stay off gluten during your Candida diet. Corn-by products like popcorn tend to be contaminated with mold.
FRUIT Fresh Fruit
Dried Fruit
Canned Fruit
Fruit Juice
The high sugar content in fruit feeds Candida, even though they are natural sugars. Fruits like melon may also contain mold. A squeeze of lemon is OK.
Sweet Potatoes
This group of vegetables is very nutrient-dense, however they should be avoided until your Candida overgrowth is fully under control.
They then can be reintroduced in small portions one at a time.
MEATS All pork products
Cured meats
Processed meats
Smoked or vacuum-packed meats
Pork contains retroviruses that survive cooking and may be harmful for those with a weakened digestive system. Processed meats like lunch meat and spam are loaded with dextrose nitrates, sulfates and sugars.
FISH All fish except for wild salmon and sardines
All shellfish
All shellfish and most fish contain alarming levels of heavy metals and toxins. These will suppress your immune system and leave you vulnerable to Candida. Studies have shown that farmed salmon contain high levels of PCBs, mercury and other carcinogenic agents.
Whey products
Almost all dairy should be avoided except ghee, butter, kefir and probiotic yogurt. Milk contains lactose so it should be avoided. Kefir and yogurt are better because most of the lactose disappears during the fermentation process.
Anything you don't know or can't pronounce!
The manufactured, additive form of citric acid is derived from yeast. However the natural form, as found in lemons and limes, is OK on the diet.
Additives and preservatives can disrupt your friendly bacteria and allow the Candida yeast to flourish.
Black & green tea
Diet & regular soda
Energy drinks
Fruit Juices
Caffeine can cause your blood sugar to rise, but the main problem is that it weakens the adrenals and can impair your immune system. Coffee also contains mold. Even decaf tea and coffee are to be avoided, as they contain residual levels of caffeine.
NUTS Cashews
This group of nuts contains a high amount of mold, which can inflame your Candida problem.
BEANS Beans and other legumes
Soy cheese
Soy milk
All soy products
The combination of being hard to digest and high in carbs rules out beans from the first stages of the diet. They can be reintroduced later on in small portions. Soy products are mostly forbidden, as the majority of soy is genetically modified. If you can find non-GMO tofu, it should be OK to eat.
Mushrooms don't "feed" Candida as some websites claim, but eating some fungi can cause an inflammatory reaction if you are already suffering from Candida. On the other hand, some medicinal mushrooms are actually OK on the diet and have strong immune-boosting properties. Good examples are Reishi and Maitake.
Regular Mustard
Soy sauce
Ketchup, tomato paste, and spaghetti sauces all contain high amounts of hidden sugars. Condiments generally do tend to be high in sugar, and they can exacerbate your Candida. For an alternative salad dressing, try coconut aminos or a simple olive oil and lemon juice dressing.
VINEGAR All vinegars, except for Apple Cider Vinegar  Vinegar is made in a yeast culture, depletes the stomach of acids and can also cause inflammation in your gut. However, one particular vinegar (unfiltered apple cider vinegar) can actually be helpful in combating a Candida overgrowth.
FATS AND OILS Peanut oil
Corn oil
Canola oil
Soy oil
Peanut, corn and canola oil are contaminated with mold. And most soy beans used in soy oil are GMO.